NDT Services

NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) Services

WENS Quality Assurance offers the most comprehensive range of bellows and expansion joint solutions in the industry. In addition to the vast selection of products and services we offer, we also have an industry-leading specialist NDT Services Division. This dedicated team of experts provide a range of NDT applications, both at our customized facility or on-site for customer convenience. We recognize that product reliability is of paramount importance to our customers. Our NDT division will give you the confidence and reassurance that you are getting dependable products. Our laboratory facilities include a purpose built radiography compound. We can inspect small or large components, with a sliding roof for accessibility. Provision of our services is tailored to suit each customer’s needs. Our extensive experience in this field gives us the ability to offer sound advice and an innovative approach to solving individual inspection requirements.
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Standard NDT Methods

Advanced NDT Methods

Third Party Inspection Services

NDT Services

NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) Services WENS Quality Assurance offers the most comprehensive range of bellows and expansion joint solutions in the…